Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kate's turn - again

One of the hardest parts for me about leaving Mpls was giving up Kate's gymnastics. Okay, so Kate was giving up her gymnastics, not me. In any case we found a program here that allows her to have fun and make some progress, but it's not as challenging as it was back home. She was going to begin competing last fall just before we moved. And although the program here isn't about competing, but about building self-esteem, she is still enjoying herself and we have said as long as she wants to go we'll keep signing her up. The coach recognizes Kate's strength and always feels badly that he doesn't have a team she can participate in, instead he gives her a little extra time and pushes her where he can. She has definitely made some progress and it was great to see her tumble on the special 'watching day.' This happens only one time per session.


JUDY WENDT said...

Oh, aren't you proud!

Unknown said...

I am soooooo impressed. Way to go, Kate!