Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Part 2

We are back. It's day 3 and unfortunately the jet lag only seems to be getting worse before it's getting any better, for the kids anyway. I have my sleeping pills.

I had two brief conversations with friends long before we left for the summer. The first one was about how I should mentally prepare myself for that 'first' comeback to Tokyo after a summer in the states, that it might be difficult. The second friend said she couldn't wait to get back to Tokyo, and at that time I couldn't imagine that and I remember saying to her, 'Really?' As it turns out for me, for us, we loved seeing everyone back in the states; had a great, great time, but I was more than ready to return to Tokyo - and I believe anyone in close contact with me the last couple of weeks knew this to be true.

Upon stepping foot back onto the 'island' I was happy to be surrounded by people carrying on conversations around me and not understanding anything they said. I realized that I missed being in the minority. I missed the grocery store across the street. I missed the 5 o'clock curfew bell-sort-of-tone that is heard every night across the park. I missed Japanese service. I missed NOT having a car. I missed carrying around a boatload of Yen. I missed our doormen. I missed the vegetable/fruit guy even though all we say is konichiwa and domo. I missed the silly dressed dogs. I missed the view of the park out our apartment window. I missed my bed. I missed more than I thought I would. It feels good to be back.


Gretchen said...

it became more home than you realized. Plus, as my kids say "it good to be back in our own house, in our own beds, with our own breakables"

Gretchen said...

P.S.. Countryside PTO is me Gretchen...odd.

Darla said...

Ditto on the car comment! I love NOT driving or having to depend on a car to get from point A to B.

Anonymous said...

and i have missed your blogs! - this is laura in chicago :)

Cynthia Murphy said...

That does it. It's official. Tokyo is your new home. Until we get you again. Enjoy!