Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More toilet entertainment

Connor was requesting more toilet paper when he dropped the paper holder thing on the floor. It started playing music. So we replaced the holder with a new roll. Now, when you roll the paper off it plays a little jingle. I think I heard 'It's a Small World.' I really don't think I want to know how much toilet paper is being used while the music drifts from the bathroom as a new tune is played with every spin.

Things to do:
#1. Find toilet paper roll holder


jwill said...

You need a different song. How about "Wipeout" by the Surfaris?

ssmurray said...

How about "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Oooh, that smell
Can't you smell that smell?
Oooh, that smell

or "Urgent" by Foreigner?

Oo-ooh emergency
Yeah urgent, urgent

Brigitte said...

good ones guys - I'll see what I can do - maybe that can be your million dollar idea????