No, these are not my hands. My friend Sue and I were at a florist in
Azabu Juban and saw this woman -actually we never really looked at her face, just her hands! I had to ask her for a picture and as you can see, she was probably some kind of manicure model. She has fruit on her fingernails!

Connor is standing in front of one of our neighbor's parking spots. This guy has two of these yellow banana mobiles and the white sporty Honda. We are not sure exactly how they work, however he does wear a
helmet when he takes them out for a spin. Our parking spot is full of bikes.

This is another neighbor's spot. They have some elaborate alarm system with some sort of
AstroTurf on the top of the car and a sensor thing as well. Nice car.
I am crazy when the kids ride their bikes into or out of the garage for fear that they will run into one of these cars.
Hi Brigitte, I'm anxious to hear about the reaction in Japan to the election. That doesn't mean I don't like the car/manicure post. :)
I, too, am waiting for a political update. What was the embassy like?
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