We know people are wondering what is going on - when are we leaving Tokyo? Where are we going next? And the answer is...we don't know. But just to give you all something until we know more, Jack's 12 years with Northwest(Delta) is officially over on December 18
th. Our apartment lease here will end December 31st. Do we have arrangements for packers to come and move us? No. Do we know where Jack's next job will be? No. Am I concerned for our future? No. Am I disappointed to be leaving Tokyo earlier than planned? Yes. Am I still going to enjoy Tokyo as much as I can until the day we leave? Yes.
Jack is working hard to see what's out there to try and keep us international, but obviously it is now November 6
th and the end of December will be here quite quickly. We still have our house in Minneapolis, just not sure if there is a place for our kids at their former school. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks our future will become more clear. Stay tuned.