I am thinking that maybe 5 weeks for our family to travel together was a bit much. We have 3 weeks to go. A manicure and pedicure for 18 bucks today certainly helped my state of being (nice after that combo would have set me back 180 bucks in Tokyo - which is why I didn’t get them). I told Kate that I missed my alone time. She told me I get it every night while I am sleeping. Sorry honey, that just doesn’t cut it. Possibly a change of scenery will shake things up a bit. We will leave our spacious villa and spend 12 days in a camper. Hmmm…But first we leave Bali in two days and head to Sydney for 4 days.
I mentioned the monkey forest before, but neglected to post a couple of pics. Although video is much better for this, I believe my cable wires are on a ship somewhere headed to America at this time – at least I hope they are.

Connor found a friend - but we learned later that you are not to show your teeth as it is a sign of aggression - yeah, I am pretty sure that monkey is not smiling at Connor

This guy is wondering why his friends aren't moving.

The bottom of my daily cup of Kopi (coffee), no, not from the animal mentioned before. I am never tired during the day, imagine that.
We had an interesting trek today around the river near Ubud. It was a two-hour trek that we thought could be handled by all. And I have to say I am pretty sure no one complained except for Connor who had the benefit of being carried on the back of Wayung, our guide. If Jack carried him he most likely would have fallen as the trails were either slippery or wet or narrow or unseen and we all lost our footing several times. After a steep and somewhat treacherous walk down to the river Wayung told us we had to cross it. He said he would carry the kids across one by one. Then he stripped down to his underpants, threw Connor on his back and went across. Jack and I weren’t quite sure what our job was at this point until he told us to take off our pants, hold our shirts up and cross. I told Kate privately – thank god I didn’t wear a thong today. I think Jack was more embarrassed about this than I was. I just warned Jack – NO PICTURES or he might have to get swallowed up by the river. Well, he took photos that obviously I won’t be posting and then he went in the wrong way, slipped and fell ALL the way in. I thought that was a bit funny – he didn’t. Wayung hollered, "Wrong way!" haha. After we got across Kate said,“ Mom, Wayung’s naked!” He was drying out his underpants and he told me I could do the same. I said I was fine thank you – I didn’t care if my underpants were wet. We continued on our trek and Kate makes the comment, “Well, that was interesting.” Yes it was. There was nothing about that part in the guide books.

Before heading down still dry and clothed...

Connor first

Then Nick

...and that's all of the photos ;)